Fajar Wahyu Edi


This research is for athletes novice especially sepak takraw sport. The number of samples
taken as many as 20 athletes novice at elementary school number 12 Talang Kelapa
Banyuasin. The development is done by using the basic needs analysis method of sepak
takraw, initial product design, expert validation, design improvement, small group trial,
product revisions, large group trials, product revision and the final product. Techniques of
collecting data using observation guidelines, questionnaire, and validity testing using t-
Test (Pos Test and Post Test one group design). The result of pre test of big group of
soccer technique through t test got result of T count = 15,118 with Df = 20 at significance
level 5% (T table = 1,72472), because value of T count ˃ T table (15,118 ˃ 1,72472) p
this means the value of T test results arithmetic greater than T table. while the result of
post test of T test in big group got result of T test count = 24,372 through significance 5%
(T table = 1,72472) hence can be concluded there is increasing ability of soccer technique
from result of pre test to post test have difference of = 9,254 through significance of 5% T
table = 1.72472. The result of pre test of big group of soccer technique through t test is
got result of T count = 11,466 with Df = 20 at significance level 5% (T table = 1,72472),
because value of T arithmetic ˃ T table (11,466 ˃ 1,72472) p this means the value of T
test results arithmetic greater than T table. while the result of post test of T test in big
group got result of T test count = 17,601 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472)
hence can be concluded there is improvement of ability of soccer technique from result of
pre test to post test have difference of = 6,135 through significance of 5% T table =
The result of pre-test of large group of thigh base technique through t test is obtained by T
count = 15,983 with Df = 20 at 5% significance level (T table = 1,72472), because the
value of T arithmetic ˃ T table (15, 983 ˃ 1.72472 ) this means the value of T test result
is bigger than T table. while the result of post test of T test on big group got result of T
test count = 24,498 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472) hence can be concluded
there is improvement of thigh technique ability from result of pre test to post test have
difference of = 8,515 through significance of 5% T table = 1.72472.
The result of pre test of big group of head technique through t test is obtained by T
calculation = 11,979 with Df = 20 at 5% significance level (T table = 1,72472), because
the value of T arithmetic ˃ T table (11,979 ˃ 1,72472) p this means the value of T test
results arithmetic greater than T table. while the result of post test of T test in big group
got result of T test count = 24,498 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472) hence can
be concluded there is improvement of capability of head technique technique from result
of pre test to post test have difference of = 12,519 through significance of 5% T table =

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