Model Hidrologi Untuk Prediksi Banjir Kota Palembang

Ayu Marlina, Reni Andayani


Hydrology model is a simple watershed to predict the occurrence of hydrology events. Palembang crossed by four main rivers i.e. Musi River, Keramasan River, Ogan River and Komering River. This research is focused on downstream watersheds into a main rivers in Palembang City that aims to model the hydrology of flood discharge in 18 sub-watersheds. Flood hydrograph modeling used HEC-HMS version 4.0 with synthetic unit hydrograph of SCS and Snyder method. The result shows that the flood discharge hydrographs with a return period of 25 years from 18 sub basins in Palembang city, where the biggest is 327.62 m3/ s in Lambidaro sub basin and the smallest is 24.12 m3/s in Batang sub basin. The flood peak discharges from Musi, Keramsan, Ogan and Komering river are 3911.40 m3/s, 331.34 m3/s, 1227.09 m3/s and 1386.35 m3/s. It becomes a big influence of flood in  Palembang city because of less bank capacity.

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