Abdillah Nugroho, Agus B Wahyudi, Adyana Sunanda, Atiqa Sabardila, Naimul Faizah


Abstract: This research aimed at identifying the meaning of teenagers’ motivational sentences and identifying values in those sentences. The research belonged to qualitative research. Material object of the study consisted of words, phrases, and sentences written by teenagers and describing a various character education. Formal object of the study was values of character education in teenagers’ motivational sentences. Technique of the data collection was carried out through documentation of teenagers’ writing and interview with some informants. Technique of the data analysis was done through content analysis. In addition to this, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also applied to get an accurate research result. As a result of the research, firstly  the meanings of  teenagers’ motivational sentences showed that (1) teenagers had  spirit of never giving up to overcome a problem, (2) they were aware that their parents had a great role in their growth, (3) someone had  to be sure and  believed in their capabilities, (4) there was a awareness of teenagers that knowledge was very important for their future, (5) they ha spirit to reach their future, (6) they were aware that every single action of theirs gave an impact on them, (7)  teenagers were aware that they had to obey to their God and, (8) whatever activity they did, they oriented to their future. Secondly values of character education in teenagers’ motivational sentences among others were (1) spirit,(2) self- confident, (3) loving, (4) religious, (5) visionary, (6) obedient, (7) brave, (8) patient.

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