Abstract: The objective of this research was to investigate the perception of students of English speaking class on using Youtube toward their achievement in speaking skill. The subject of the research was students of English department of Bengkulu University who took Speaking 2 class with 40 students in total. Questionnaire and short interview were used as the way to collect the data. The questionnaire then, was analyzed by using Likert scale while interview data was used to discover new facts/phenomena from the study. The finding generally shows that 1) students consider that the Youtube can help their speaking skill becoming much better.2) The use of Youtube in speaking class also can trigger them to be much confident to speak English in front of camera and public. 3) Feedbacks/comments coming from other students on the Youtube were useful to improve their speaking skill and video’s quality as well. It can be concluded that the use of Youtube as a learning media in speaking class can help students to improve their speaking skill.
Keywords: Perception, Youtube, speaking skill
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