The Development Of Discourse Analysis Text Book For English Students

Rachmawati Rachmawati, Tubagus Zam Zam Al Arif


The development of the Discourse Analysis (DA) text book is insisted in an attempt to have a more practical and contextual learning material for the students mention early. The DA course is incorporated in the language philosophy. The definitions and concepts of DA are discussed philosophically in the existing books. The examples of DA are also made not in the context of the existing classes in Indonesia and students are increasingly constrained to understand the books. This text book is developed due to those students are in the heterogenous capacity and therefore the researchers undertake to accomplish the needs of the teaching-learning process for this English Department students. To recur, the current research begins by having Need Analysis. This research is developed based on the model of Lee and Owens (2004) that consist of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The justification of the product is approved by the discourse analyst, mainly discourse lecturers at the institution stated early. After being verified, this product is tested to the students in the category of a small group and a big group. The recent product is not simply prepared to facilitate students to learn DA but it also can be utilized for others macro-linguistic fields such as semantics, speech act, and pragmatics. It intentionally designed in order to have a multifunction and sensibleness.

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