Hardi Andeska
English Education Study Program
Faulty of Teacher Training and Education
Bengkulu University
e-mail: hardiandeska@gmail.com
Digital Fluency is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize and communicate the information through the digital media effectively, efficiently and wisely. Currently, It is considered as a competence for creating a dynamic and attractive lessons which can give motivation for the learners and important for increasing positive information communication technology effect. The ability of using media is necessary in challenging the change of age with information explosion especially for English foreign language teachers where communication with people around the world through internet can be optimize for teaching a language for example by using Facebook, YouTube, Skype, Web, Blog and many others. In Indonesia, the internet usage is increasing in every years. It is followed by the migration of teaching and learning from offline become online learning. Then, the primary source have been changed by various online materials which are able to be accessed anywhere and everywhere. Furthermore, the PPGJ training or teacher professional education have been implemented by using digital media for learning that emphasize to the digital fluency, it optimize the SPADAbrigtspace for online learning (DARING). Therefore, with a lot of teachers in Indonesia who have to teach around 50 million students and to fulfil the requirement for professional teacher, the digital fluency becomes something that must be have by them. Some various researches have revealed that English teachers generally confident with their skill in applying the resources. However, the limited access on the computers and the internet connection become a challenge for the teachers in applying technology for teaching especially English teachers in Indonesia. They have the problem in utilizing and optimizing the technology especially in digital media. Therefore, it must be a concern for the government and stakeholders to solve the problem.
Keywords: Digital Fluency, English as a foreign language.
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