M. Nur Mustafa, Zulhafizh Zulhafizh


Abstract: The objectives of this research are to know  trying to master information that can support and make him succeed in teaching and learning activities This research is descriptive qualitative research The sample of this research 108 teacher  equivalent high school.  The data were gathered by using questionnaire and were analysed by using the mean approach. The findings showed the strategies used by the teachers in information mastery to succeed in teaching and learning activities are understanding teaching materials, reading various available sources, searching for the latest information, trying to find reliable sources, observing all the recent references, studying theories about learning, attending a training, workshop, and seminar, and writing scientific works. In conclusion this data clearly reveal that the main effort taken by the teachers is to deepen their knowledge about teaching materials. However, writing a scientific work in order to widen their horizons and to obtain a lot of information is low so that only few teachers concern about this issue.


 Keywords: teachers, information, teaching and learning, student

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