The third International Conference on Construction and Building Engineering (ICONBUILD 2017) is a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the field of civil engineering and built environment. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers, architects, scientists, and other professionals in various disciplines of civil engineering and built environment around the world. The ICONBUILD 2017 conference aims to establish scientific link at international level for sharing and disseminating valuable information of the latest research activities in Civil Engineering and Built Environment.

List topics :
- Structures and construction engineering
- Green and sustainable construction
- Environmental engineering
- Smart and innovative materials for civil engineering
- Resilient transportation and public facilities
- Construction project management and safety
- Architecture and built environment
- Geotechnical engineering
- Water Resources
- Disaster and risk engineering
- Automation in constructional
Call for Papers
The ICONBUILD 2017 organizing Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for oral presentation at the conference. Abstracts must contain adequate information to allow a sound referee review. Selection criteria include high technical quality, relevance to the themes/topics, and depth of information content. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit 5 – 8 pages of full papers once abstracts have been accepted. Papers that exceed eight (8) printed pages will incur mandatory overlength page charges. Papers that exceed eight (8) printed pages will incur mandatory overlength page charges, USD 30/page.
Publication :
- ICONBUILD 2017 Conference Proceeding
- All selected and presented papers in this conference will be published in international publication indexed by SCOPUS: (a) Jurnal Teknologi, (b) International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, and (c) MATEC Web of Conferences.
Important Dates
- Extended Abstract submission deadline 15 Maret 2017
- Notification of Acceptance 15 April 2017
- Paper submission deadline 15 Mei2017
- Notification of Full Paper Acceptance02 July 2017
- Camera ready submission 14 July 2017
- Registration24 July 2017
Keynote Speakers :
ICONBUILD 2017 Secretariat
Engineering Faculty, Sriwijaya University
Graha Bukit Asam 1st floor
Jl. Srijaya Negara Bukit Besar
Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia