Tekanan darah dalam kondisi normal, mampu melawan grafitasi dan hambatan pada dinding arteri, Jika
meningkat maka aka nmenimbulkan komplikasi seperti stroke & gagal ginjal. WHO menyebutkan 40%
negara berkembang dibangding dengan negara maju berkisar 35% mengalami hipertensi. Riset Kesehatan
dasar tahun 2013, hipertensi di Indonesia mencapai 25.8%, (prevalensi Stroke 12,1 per 1.000 Penduduk)
& 14,5% penyebab kematian di Indonesia, meningkat, tahun 2018. Kemenkes RI prevalensi hipertensi
pada penduduk berusia >18 tahun. Data Provinsi Jambi hipertensi menempati urutan pertama kelompok
penyakit tidak menular pada tahun 2017. Puskesmas Putri Ayu mencapai 1201 kasus. Ini seharusnya
menjadi perhatian pada upaya preventif dan Rehabilitatif yang bersifat non farmakologis dengan
memperbaiki pola makan namun kebutuhan nutrisi tetap tercukupi seperti metode food combining. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi food combining terhadap penurunan tekanan darah
pada penderita hipertensi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian kuantitatif study experiment, dengan metode pre test & Post test design. Metode pengambilan
sampel purposif sampling. Hasil Penelitian didapatkan bahwa ada pengaruh food combining terhadap
Tekanan (Sistole) nilai p-value 0.05 dan Tekanan (Diastole) nilai P-Value 0,025, disimpulkan bahwa ada
pengaruh terapi modalitas food combining terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi di
wilayah kerja Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi tahun 2019. Ada pengaruh terapi food combining
terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota
Kata Kunci: Hipertensi (systole & Diastole), Food Combining
Blood pressure in normal conditions, able to resist gravity and obstructions in artery walls. When blood
pressure rises it will cause complications such as stroke & kidney failure. WHO said 40% of developing
countries compared to developed countries around 35% had hypertension. Basic Health Research in
2013, hypertension in Indonesia reached 25.8%, (Stroke prevalence 12.1 in the 1,000 Population) &
14.5% of deaths in Indonesia, increased, in 2018. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia Republic of
Indonesia has hypertension prevalence in population aged> 18 years. Date of Jambi Province occupies
hypertensi is the first place in the category of non-communicable diseases in 2017. PutriAyu Health
Center reaches 1201 cases. This should be a concern for non-pharmacological preventive and
rehabilitation efforts by improving diet, but nutritional needs are still fulfilled such as the Food
Combining method. To Know the effect of Food Combining therapy on Reducing Blood Pressure in
Patients with Hypertension in the work area PuskesmasPutriAyu Jambi City in 2019.This research is a
quantitative with experimental study, pre test&post testdesigen. With Purposive Sampling Method.The
results showed that there was an effect of food combining on Pressure (Sistole) p-value of 0.05 and
Pressure (Diastole) of P-Value of 0.025, it was concluded that there was an effect of Food combining
modality therapy on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients in work area Puskesmas Putri Ayu
Jambi City in 2019. There is an Effect of Food Combining Therapy on Reducing Blood Pressure in
people with hypertension.
Keywords: Hypertension (systole & diastole), Food Combining
Tekanan darah dalam kondisi normal, mampu melawan grafitasi dan hambatan pada dinding arteri, Jika
meningkat maka aka nmenimbulkan komplikasi seperti stroke & gagal ginjal. WHO menyebutkan 40%
negara berkembang dibangding dengan negara maju berkisar 35% mengalami hipertensi. Riset Kesehatan
dasar tahun 2013, hipertensi di Indonesia mencapai 25.8%, (prevalensi Stroke 12,1 per 1.000 Penduduk)
& 14,5% penyebab kematian di Indonesia, meningkat, tahun 2018. Kemenkes RI prevalensi hipertensi
pada penduduk berusia >18 tahun. Data Provinsi Jambi hipertensi menempati urutan pertama kelompok
penyakit tidak menular pada tahun 2017. Puskesmas Putri Ayu mencapai 1201 kasus. Ini seharusnya
menjadi perhatian pada upaya preventif dan Rehabilitatif yang bersifat non farmakologis dengan
memperbaiki pola makan namun kebutuhan nutrisi tetap tercukupi seperti metode food combining. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi food combining terhadap penurunan tekanan darah
pada penderita hipertensi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian kuantitatif study experiment, dengan metode pre test & Post test design. Metode pengambilan
sampel purposif sampling. Hasil Penelitian didapatkan bahwa ada pengaruh food combining terhadap
Tekanan (Sistole) nilai p-value 0.05 dan Tekanan (Diastole) nilai P-Value 0,025, disimpulkan bahwa ada
pengaruh terapi modalitas food combining terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi di
wilayah kerja Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi tahun 2019. Ada pengaruh terapi food combining
terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota
Kata Kunci: Hipertensi (systole & Diastole), Food Combining
Blood pressure in normal conditions, able to resist gravity and obstructions in artery walls. When blood
pressure rises it will cause complications such as stroke & kidney failure. WHO said 40% of developing
countries compared to developed countries around 35% had hypertension. Basic Health Research in
2013, hypertension in Indonesia reached 25.8%, (Stroke prevalence 12.1 in the 1,000 Population) &
14.5% of deaths in Indonesia, increased, in 2018. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia Republic of
Indonesia has hypertension prevalence in population aged> 18 years. Date of Jambi Province occupies
hypertensi is the first place in the category of non-communicable diseases in 2017. PutriAyu Health
Center reaches 1201 cases. This should be a concern for non-pharmacological preventive and
rehabilitation efforts by improving diet, but nutritional needs are still fulfilled such as the Food
Combining method. To Know the effect of Food Combining therapy on Reducing Blood Pressure in
Patients with Hypertension in the work area PuskesmasPutriAyu Jambi City in 2019.This research is a
quantitative with experimental study, pre test&post testdesigen. With Purposive Sampling Method.The
results showed that there was an effect of food combining on Pressure (Sistole) p-value of 0.05 and
Pressure (Diastole) of P-Value of 0.025, it was concluded that there was an effect of Food combining
modality therapy on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients in work area Puskesmas Putri Ayu
Jambi City in 2019. There is an Effect of Food Combining Therapy on Reducing Blood Pressure in
people with hypertension.
Keywords: Hypertension (systole & diastole), Food Combining
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P ISSN : 2477-1597
E ISSN : 2685-4449