Study on The Potential Use of Tidal Flood Discharge for Agricultural Using Duflow Modelling (Case Study Kahayan River)

Haryo Istianto


Kahayan River is a source of raw water for agriculture and plantations in Pulang Pisau District, Central Kalimantan. The Topography of the land along the river is lowland in which 50 percent of the areas are the swamp. This swamp area is influenced by the tides of the Kahayan river which tidal energy can be used for tidal irrigation, therefore tidal modeling studies are required. This study describes the tidal fluctuations along the river against the river bank ( 100 km from the estuary) using mathematical models DUFLOW (Dutch Flow ) to identify the tides potency. This study uses mathematical models for tidal fluctuation and compares it with the elevation of the river bank to get the location in which flood tide can be used for tidal irrigation. The decent location for tidal irrigation is 10 km from the downstream simulation model or about 17 km from the estuary. From the simulation results, the total discharge for tidal irrigation is 11.999 m3/det which can serve ± 12.000.000 ha of tidal irrigation. Operating procedures to determine the locations of the primary channels in tidal irrigation can be gained by using a mathematical model such as Model Duflow as a support tool.

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