Analysis of Nitrit and Nitrat Quality in Settlement Patternsi in Plaju District Palembang City

Heri Setianto, Murjainah Murjainah


The content of nitrate in groundwater is the result of the process of waste entering
into groundwater from the process of domestic activities at the ground level, wells
that are made lower and the surface of the well closer to the ground become the
main factor nitrate into groundwater. The concentration of nitrate in groundwater
will directly be decomposed into nitrite in the water. The research method used is
the survey method and analysis of groundwater quality in the laboratory. The
selection of research samples was carried out by purposive sampling method, with
18 samples of well water as samples. The results showed that nitrate in groundwater
from 18 research samples showed that the concentration of nitrate ranged from 4.0
- 6.14 mg/l. The results of the study can be concluded that the condition of
groundwater quality in Plaju Subdistrict is still in normal conditions in accordance
with the recommended threshold regulation of 10 mg / liter for the parameters of
the quality of clean water. The results of the study on the nitrite content in
groundwater from 18 groundwater samples can be seen that the nitrite content in
groundwater ranges from 0.009 - 0.030 mg / liter. The results of the study of nitrite
levels in groundwater can be seen that the nitrite content in 18 groundwater samples
is in a normal condition according to the quality standards suggested by the ministry
of health.

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