Analisis Potensi Banjir Berbasis Metode AHP Daerah Mundam Sakti dan Sekitarnya, Kabupaten Sijunjung, Sumatera Barat

R.I. Putra, B.K. Susilo


This research is conducted in Mundam Sakti, Sijunjung regency, West Sumatera
province. The aim of this research is to know the extended value of flooding
hazard’s level. Since the research area has evergone the flooded disaster which
causing the settlement and land destruction as the sources of livelihood makes the
people facing many difficulties. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method used
in selecting and weighing with the in pairs comparison and continued with the
process of Geography Information System (GIS) to produce the map of flooded
potential. In this research, there are several parameters which are being used, such
as elevation, slope, land use, and river distance. The area with highest value
between 3,94 - 4,8 were categorized with the area of “Very High” potential. The
flooded area commonly located in the edge near the river, because of its location
of near the source of water overflow and also dominated by the lower elevation. By
having this flooded potential map, hopefully the local people can anticipate it to
avoid the flooded disaster in the future.

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