Analysis on Water Quality and Strategies of Water Pollution Control in Sekanak River, Palembang

Herda Sabriyah Dara Kospa, Rahmadi Rahmadi


Sekanak River in Palembang has been indicated as being polluted by waste
discharge from domestic and trade activities. This study aimed to analyze the river
water quality based on South Sumatra Governor Regulation No. 16/2005 using
physical, chemical and biological parameters and to formulate the strategies to
control water pollution in Sekanak River. To measure water quality status,
Pollution Index (PI) Method was used and elaborated into strategies using SWOT
analysis. The water quality was analyzed at 7 (seven) sampling station. The result
showed that water quality status from the upstream to the downstream was mild. It
is also evident that COD, BOD, NH3-N and Phosphate have exceeded the criteria
levels of Class I. This may attributed to the anthropogenic activities such as
washing and throwing garbage which can be indicated from the increase level of
COD and phosphate. Regarding the issues, strategies of water pollution control
have been formulated i.e (a) Prevention using waste water treatment and through
legislation; (b) enforcement through regular inspection and supervision; (c)
Regular monitoring program; and (d) education to strengthen public awareness
and concern for environment

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