Quality Analisys of Springs in Rambang Dangku Districs Muara Enim

Sri Maryani, Dian Novriadhy, A Ubaidillah, M. Agust Nurwahyudi, Efriandi Efriandi


Water is basic need for humans, so it’s needed to supply clean water. The
research is optimizing the utilization of existing groundwater resources in
supplying clean water needs. The research location is in the Rambang Dangku
sub-district, Muara Enim Regency, which is one of the areas with high levels of
clean water problems. Data was collected through a cross-stakeholder Focus
Group Discussion and supplemented by laboratory testing. The results of the
study show that the problem of clean water faced by residents is related to the
number of yellow and smelly deposits caused by high levels of H2S and Fe in
groundwater. Considering the geomorphological location of research site formed
from fluvial process is predicted that condition of the groundwater smelling and
producing yellow crust will continue to exist. The results also show that the use of
bore wells will not be effective in obtaining good quality and vulnerable

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