Momentum Effects Of Rainfall and Solutions on Well Water Turbidity

Raden Mursidi


Water is the main substance for human life daily obtained from PDAMs or wells.
The research focused on water management from wells. Water from wells in the
rainy season experiences turbidity, because of the infiltration-percolation of the
solution and colloidal topsoil soil around the well. The momentum process of
rainwater on the surface of the soil is the cause of the dispersion of the molecule
(structure) of the soil into particles of dissolved, suspended and emulsified
minerals into colloids. The amount of momentum / impact of rainfall on the
ground surface is influenced by the speed, droplet size and intensity of rainfall.
While infiltration capacity varies because of differences in soil physical properties
including structure, density and porosity. Based on the survey results, the level of
turbidity of well water in the city of Indralaya varies according to the physical and
environmental conditions of the well. There have been several efforts that have
been implemented to overcome the rainfall impact on the well water turbidity,
namely renovating the well wall through making cicin (bus) and improving the
environment by planting vegetation (grass) or making floors around the well.

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