Analysis Of Riverside Slum Settlement Upgrading Elements In Palembang
The city of Palembang is divided by the Musi River into two parts, namely
Seberang Ulu and Seberang Ilir. Most of the land in the city of Palembang,
especially on the river banks, is still tidal swamps. Riverside settlements that still
maintain swamps tend to be slum, so that urban spatial planning is needed to
increase this slum area. Many factors cause high levels of slum, mainly due to
increasing population density accompanied by increasing building density. In
addition, there is still inadequate infrastructure related to the increasing
population. In order to increase the slum area, it is necessary to identify the
elements that play a role in the planning. The research location is in Kelurahan 3-4
Ulu and Kelurahan 35 Ilir. Identification here will involve the local community as
residents. The research method used is a case study, by distributing questionnaires
to the community. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed by a Likert scale
measurement. It shows that land use is the most important element in urban spatial
planning, followed by building mass, circulation and open space.
Keywords: slums settlement, riverside, urban space
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