Impact of Mounding on Water Quality of Acid Sulphate Soil under Industrial Plants Forest Area Ogan Komering Ilir District

Ali Martinus, Dwi Setyawan, Yuanita Windusari


Industrial Plantation Forests (HTI) are intended to increase productivity nonproductive
natural forest production. In Ogan Komering Ilir Regency HTI was
developed in wetlands, one of which was acid sulphate soil which had major
problems of flooding and waterlogging. To solve this problem, the technology other
than making drainage canals is mounding. Mounding is by stacking around the
material. It turned out that this mounding in acid sulphate soil posed a new problem
is pyrite oxidation which affected water quality in acid sulphate soil. Purpose of this
study was to analyze the impact of mounding on water quality in acid sulphate soil
in HTI areas. This study used survey methods and data processing. Result of water
analysis can be seen in mounding and non-mounding plots is not good for growing
plants with a pH water very acidic (pH < 3), high EC (> 2,5 mS/cm), high Na (> 190

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