Analysis of Flood Control Parameter Using AHP Method Study Case in Cermin Nan Gadang Sub-District, Sarolangun District, Jambi
In 2007 and 2019, Cermin Nan Gadang Sub-District, Sarolangun District had
flood causing the damages of road, suspension bridge, houses and agricultural
land. Parameter used in this research was slope, elevation, rainfall, land use, river
distance and infiltration. Analytic method of Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used
to selection and weighting of parameter contributed based on pairwise comparison
among parameters. Furthermore, the result weighting was used on Geographic
Information System (SIG) to generate flood hazard map. According to parameter
analysis, the biggest weight which affected flood hazard was the distance of river
toward settlements. Therefore, this research is expected to be able to become
initial step in identifying areas that are often affected by floods.
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