Risk Quotient of Lead Concentration in Dug Wells Water at Community Arround Sukawinatan Dumping Site in Palembang City Maksuk

Maksuk Maksuk


The dumping site is source of contaminant, one of them is heavy metals including lead. It
can enter the dug wells around the dumping site through leachate. Lead can enter the body
through several routes, such as inhalation, dermal and ingestion route. The objective study
was to assess the potential dose and risk quotient of lead entering the ingestion route in
groups of adults and children living around dumping site. This research was an
observational study with an approach to environmental health risk analysis. The samples of
dug well water were taken composite randomly with sample size of 15 samples and
distance of dug well water to dumping site between 100-500 meters. Lead concentration
was tested in the laboratory using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) with the SNI
6969.8.2000 method. The potential dose through well water consumed by the community
around Sukawinatan dumping site in adults group was 0.001 - 0.0018 mg/L and in children
group 0.0008 - 0.003 mg/L. Risk Quotient of lead in adults group between 0.1 - 0.18 and in
children group between 0.2 - 0.8, it values were less than 1. It means that Risk Quotient of
lead through the ingestion route in the adult and children groups were safe, but the dug
well water should not be consumed and used because the levels of lead in the dug well
water exceed the required drinking water quality standard. Therefore, dug well water
consumed and used by the community around the Sukawinatan landfill must be treated
before use.

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