Rokhmat Basuki, Yayah Chanafiah


Abstract: At this time there is a tendency in the community for a moral crisis and behavior change which is considered to collapse of humanism values in the community itself. The word "forbidden" listed on billboards or appeals in public places at this time is no longer a reference guide and appeal for "not to do". Eventhough the word "forbidden" is very clear in its intent and purpose, and written in capital letters, but the people still tend to ignore, so the writing of appeals tend to be sarcasm, threats, which are likely to create skeptical and apathetic people. For example, a statement of appeal in a place that is not laystall "forbidden to throw garbage here" because many people throw garbage not in a right place, the appeal seems unable to prevent the community from not throwing garbage in the prohibited place. It means, the sentence of the prohibition is no longer able and does not give a conscious effect not to throw of garbage there. So that, many sentences that tend to be rude, sarcasm, threats, etc. are found. Likewise in the statement on cigarette packs, billboards, advertisements, that "smoking can cause heart disease, hypertension, infertility", but the appeal was also unable to reduce the number of active smokers. And at this time the sentence changed more strikingly, namely "Smoking, Killing You". The text changes indicate a decline in humanism values and a moral crisis in the community in the urban area.

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