Darningwati Noviansyah, Samsul Anam


Abstract: This study was aimed at the difference between the second semester students’ writing achievement of narrative text based on gender at Baturaja University. The method used in this study was descriptive method. All the populations of this study were 139 students from six classes and the samples were 68 students taken by purposive sampling. The essay test form was used as a the technique for collecting the data. The data of the test was analyzed by using independent t-test on SPSS 16.0 version. Based on the data analysis, the findings of this study indicated that the mean score of male students were 48.30. Further, there was no (0%) student in very good level, there were 5 students (14.71%) on good level, there were 5 students (14.71%) on enough level, there were 25 students (73.59%) on poor level, and there were 16 students (47%) on failed level. While, the mean score of female students were 55.68. Further, there was 1 student (0.03%) on very good, there were 9 students (26.47%) on good level, there were 7 students (20.59) on enough level, there were 7 students (20.59%) on poor level, and there were 10 students (29.41%) on failed level. It meant that female students had higher level than male students in writing achievement. The result of mean difference were 7.386. It was described that there was significant difference in writing achievement of narrative text based on gender.

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