The Views of Bengkulu City Officials to English in Globalization Era: An Input to Language Policy and Planning

Bambang Suwarno, Arasuli Arasuli, Amanda P. Yanuar


In the age of globalization, English mastery is indispensable. The language policy needs to develop ways to provide a good environment for English cultivation in the community.  Bottom-up input might provide some ideas for the policy. This study aimed to explore such bottom up input, through the investigation of the views of some senior officials towards English in Bengkulu city, Indonesia. The design was descriptive. The sample consisted of 40 senior officials, from governmental and business sectors, in the city. The instrument was an attitude scale. The result showed that most respondents supported a more extensive use of English in various domains. They accepted the use of English, orally and in writing, in the family and neighborhood, work environment (office, conference, public service), media (printed and electronic) and educational institutions. However, many respondents rejected the use of English as a criterion for promotion. They also rejected the use of English in social events. The result showed that the officials could accept more use of English in public domains as well as in private domains. Such a result could be used as consideration for future language policy.

 Keywords: Language policy, English use in the community, city officials’ views

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