Students’ Attitudes towards the Use of Artificial Intelligence SIRI in EFL Learning at One Public University
Abstract: The skyrocketing demands of technology might not be denied at all levels of education in the 21st century. Integrating technology into teaching and learning process has created new trends and impact on students’ learning atmosphere. One of the promising products of technology is artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence in education particularly in English Foreign Language (EFL) learning has introduced new models of pedagogy in English language learning. This paper attempts to examine the perceptions of students on the use of artificial intelligence SIRI in English language learning in the classroom in the tertiary level. This study investigated students’ attitude and perceptions through questionnaire and focus group discussion. The data were collected through questionnaire from a total of 40 students of Bahasa Indonesia department and 7 students involved in FGD. The research findings revealed that the students were involved in the learning process enthusiastically and actively motivated but the problems encountered students had limited access to SIRI because most of them lack Apple phone application. Besides, the students had poor communication skill. The study recommended that university should equip integrated technology laboratory as called integrated artificial intelligence laboratory to facilitate students’ need as citizens in a global village and digitalized world.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Siri, English as a Foreign Language, Technology
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