Sarwit Sarwono


Abstract: This research is based on discourse analysis, aims to explain the manuscripts as a cultural knowledge production and distribution processes. The research materials are ulu manuscripts preserved in the State Museum of Bengkulu and in the community as well. The analysis is carried out by utilizing the principles of discourse analysis and social semiotics, through text descriptions, interpretations, and explanations. Description is the analysis of text and the production process, while interpretation is the analysis of the text as a social practice, and the explanation is a social analysis of the text. Based on internal and external evidence of the text, the following findings were obtained: (1) ulu texts are generally codex unicus, there is not enough evidence of a genealogical relationship between one manuscript with other manuscripts of one type/kind; (2) ulu texts are produced not through text transmission rather through transformation of the texts in oral tradition and in social practice as well, i.e. the corpus of texts in oral tradition and the social practices as a sources of text production; (3) the text in the manuscripts, thus, constitutes a certain degree of social practice.


Keywords: manuscripts, texts, social practice, discourse analysis

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State Museum of Bengkulu

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Heirloms of Asrip Family (Lubuk Lagan Village of Seluma District)





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Heirloms of Jalil Family (Muara Timput Village of Seluma District)


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