Abstract: English speech is one way in increasing English speaking ability. As a student become proficient speakers, they are ready to expand their skills to speaking publicly. The aimed of this study are to find out How is the Implementation of English Speech on Monday Flag Ceremony, What are students problem when speech English on Monday Flag Ceremony, and What are the advantages of English Speech on Monday Flag Ceremony for students’ speaking ability. This Research was a Descriptive-Qualitative research by using Checklist of observation, interview guidance, and documentation. The observation will be doing in six times. The subject of the research was take from six students of the Eight grade students of SMPN 23 Rejang Lebong. The result of the research shows that English speech in every Monday flag ceremony is a school program at SMPN 23 Rejang Lebong namely is Developing Academic Program and the student only used some component of speech in implemented the speech that day. The students have problem in pronunciation and having self confidence when performed the speech in front of audience. This activity can increase students Speaking ability in using English.
Key Words : English Speech, Monday Flag Ceremony, Speaking Ability
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