The Relationship among Reading Interest, Vocabulary Mastery, and Short Story Writing Skills of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program Students of Tridinanti University Palembang

Edi Suryadi, F.A. Milawasri


This study aimed to examine the relationship among reading interest, vocabulary mastery, and short story writing skill of Indonesian language and Literature Education Study Program students of Tridinanti University Palembang. A correlational research was used as the design of this study. 20 students participated as the sample of the study. To obtain the data, tests and questionnaire were administered. Based on the data analyses, it was found that there was a low correlation between student’s reading interest and their vocabulary mastery (rvalue=0.278 and ρ value = 0.234). Student’s reading interest and their writing skill of short story were weakly correlated (rvalue = 0.053 and ρvalue = 0.82). However, student’s vocabulary mastery and their short story writing skill signified strong correlation (rvalue = 0.803 and ρ value = 0.000). Meanwhile, the result of partial correlation analysis indicated that there was a moderate positive correlation (rvalue= 0.540 and ρ value = 0,017) among student’s reading interest, vocabulary mastery, and writing skill of short story.

Keywords: reading, vocabulary mastery and short story writing

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