A Cultural Content Analysis of Curriculum 2013 in Indonesia: A Character Building Based Curriculum

Fikri Yansyah


This study was aimed to investigate how cultural content is set up in curriculum 2013 which is also known as a character building based curriculum, and the latest curriculum which being implemented in Indonesia. The scheme of this study is content analysis research. Further, Campinha-Bacote Model (2002) which developed by Matelliano (2008) was utilized to this study. The outcome data was presented in the form of descriptive report and it was also lighted up with some inferences and discussion. The result showed that the cultural aspects were found from all over the objectives of curriculum 2013.  Most of the cultural content in the curriculum 2013 is set up in the form of cultural desire which focuses on the respecting and caring towards some aspects of the life. Finally, this study illuminated our understanding on how the cultural content is set up in the 2013 curriculum. At the end, the research was also summarized with the essential conclusion as well valuable recommendation.


Keywords: Cultural Content Analysis, Curriculum 2013

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