One of literary works that can be used for building children's character is literature strory telling. Variety of interesting stories from a fairy tale, a child can begin to understand what friendship is, and feelings of affection punishment that can be obtained from antagonists. Story telling with children's Literature can develop children's knowledge, education and critical thinking. Good ethical and moral values can be embedded automatically spur child development. Making children more confident in socializing by fostering children's creative imagination in critical thinking so that children will be accustomed to doing things that behave positively because of character education provided by parents without realizing the child. Story of the mouse deer stealing cucumber which teaches the value of honesty, strategy or tactics for the cleverness of the mouse deer when tricking the dog, until the punishment value or punishment must be received by the mouse deer when caught by farmers using scarecrows. Children's education can begin to be implanted since children are in their golden age, so that Children's literature can instill, grow, and develop an important role in the character of children.
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