An Evaluation of English Textbook for Grade X of Senior High School

Indah Damayanti


This paper aims to evaluate the English textbook that published by Kemendikbud 2014 whether it has fulfilled the criteria of good textbook as proposed by Permendikbud Number 08, 2016 or not. The descriptive quantitative method was applied in analyzing the data. The subjects of this research is Bahasa Inggris Textbook Published by Kemendikbud 2014. There are two books; the first semester and second semester books of Grade X (18 chapters). The instrument of the research was an observation checklist based on the criteria of English Textbook from Permendikbud Number 8, 2016. There were four aspects that were applied in analyzing the textbook;  material, linguistic, material presentation, and graph. The result showed that  English textbook Grade X published by Kemendikbud 2014 is in the good category. It means this textbook has fulfilled the criteria proposed by Kemendikbud. However the re-evaluation is needed to be implemented thoroughly concerning on the content of the textbook.


Keywords: English textbook, Permendikbud, and Grade X

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