Reconstructing Syllabus and Teaching Materials for Creative Writing Class

Yulhenli Thabran Thabran, Rd M Ali


This paper reports on our attempts to reconstruct a new syllabus and its course contents based on the existing syllabus and its teaching materials for creative writing class at our department. With the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate) approach (Branch, 2009), we redesign the syllabus on the concentration how to teach fiction or in this case to teach short story writing and what instructional materials suitable for our students. Since the outcome of need analysis for this class showed that the majority of students voted for short story for subject to be discussed in the entire course, we designed teaching materials on how to write short story based on intrinsic and extrinsic elements in their story writing exercises and individual tasks. With the reconstruction of the syllabus and its contents, we hope the objective of this course can be reached, that is, students are able to write short story in English in desired level both in English sentence structures and story contents.

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