Ngudining Rahayu


Abstract: This study is intended to find out the use of the term of kinship as the term of address in speech acts among the youth of the Rejang ethnic group in Bengkulu. The research subjects were the Rejang native speakers of 15-30 years old. This research is based on sociolinguistics study. The data are utterances that contain elements of the term of address that refers to the kinship relationship between speakers and interlocutors. The data obtained from a number of selected informants through participatory observation, interview and  recording. The results of the research as follows: (1) in the speech act, the youth of the Rejang tend to use the general term to address the interlocutors without notice to the kinship relationsip between himself or herself and the addressed; (2) the youth of the Rejang didn’t recognize anymore the terms of kinship in the Rejang language which refers to kinship relationship, both from marriage relations and from blood relations; (3) the replacement of the term of kinship as a term of address with a general terms  regarded as the extinction of  those concept among the youth of the Rejang;  in other words, it was a language shift phenomenon in the specific domain of the Rejang language; (4) the phenomenon of the extinct of the concept of kinship among the youth of the Rejang shows the decline of the Rejang language vitality and social change of the Rejang ethnic group.


Keywords: term of address, language  vitality, language shift, social change, Rejang

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