Ahmad Sahat Perdamean


This paper describes the idea of the WhatsApp application as a medium of learning German. The Whatsapp application is an application that can be accessed using a smartphone (das Handy) for the benefit of learning German. The presentation contains: i) WhatsApp background as a German language learning media, ii) WhatsApp understanding, iii) the benefits of using WhatsApp in learning German for lecturers, students, universities, parents or guardians of students, iv) the weaknesses in using WhatsApp in learning German, v)  WhatsApp in learning writing skills (Schreibfertigkeit), both writing essays (der Aufsatz), writing daily activities (das Tagebuch schreiben) or writing personal letters (der persönliche Brief), vi) Whatsapp in German vocabulary and grammar learning (deutsche Vokabeln und deutsche Grammatik), and vii) the evaluation, reflection and follow-up.


Keywords: whatsapp, learning German

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