Tamadun of Jambi Melay Region as the Strengthening of National Character Education
Malay is a race which inhabits Indonesia or Malay islands in Southeast Asia including Jambi Malay region. Historically, the tamadun of Jambi Malay has been established by Islam and Malay customs have become an important structure of Malay and sovereignty in Jambi. Jambi Malay region that was observed from ethnic grouping, namely social groups that were closely related to Jambi Sultan have twelve groups including Jebus, Pemayung, MaroSebo, Awin, Petajin, Suku Tujuh Koto, Mentong, Panagan, Serdadu, Kebalen, Aur Hitam and central Pinokowan. Jambi Malay area is defined as the area (which practices proper behavior, speaks Malay and they are Muslim). Jambi Malay Community has a character with a philosophy of life, based on: Holding on the Islamic faith as a principle of viewpoint; respecting the leader; greatly guarding traditional customs including prohibited abstinence and customs; giving priority to the elderly; prioritizing family ties and friendship relations; a person who does not return the respect given will be looked down upon; manners; urbane; deliberation/consensus; and work together. Malay society generally has a way of life or custom that is characterized by high civilization values. These characteristics of high civilization are the main foundation for the Jambi Malay community to continue their existence as a society that continues to perpetuate their identity until now.
Key words: tamadun of Melay, Jambi region, national character
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