The creation of poetry works for poets is by given the freedom to use the language (licencia poeitica). However, the freedom to use language can be interpreted for people who are already proficient in the rules and meaning of language. For beginner poets the use of poetic lyses is sometimes inappropriate. Instead, they tend to display their inability to use language. This is what the authors found in the poetry anthology of the beginner writers who became the main background in this study. This is a qualitative research and used purposive sampling. This research took the object of 650 poems from 91 writers who were compiled in 7 anthologies of poetry writing to see the case found in their poems as an illustration of the misunderstanding of poetry creation. The data collection techniques used in this study was observation and document study. The writer used Spiral Model data analysis techniques for this research. The results of this research found that a) the meaning transparency or message b) language rules such as the use of capital letters with punctuation c) unity of ideas in the verse d) consideration of building typography e) beheadings.
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