Kamarudin Udin


Abstract. This paper discusses how to apply reading techniques in reading learning in SMP / MTs. Reading techniques are fast reading. Reading is important for improving reading skills. By practicing reading, a person learning to read can understand reading texts faster. Planting fast reading habits needs to be done since prepubertal age, especially in junior high schools. Through this basic competence students are expected to have soft skills. Reading learning is one of the most important lessons taught early on so that students have competencies that are very useful for their lives in the future. Through reading competency standards, students are expected to be able to understand and develop meaningful work. The foregoing is closely related to one of the main tasks of a teacher in realizing the goal of education in schools is to develop effective learning strategies. The development of this learning strategy aims to create conditions that can affect the lives of students so that they can learn fun and can achieve satisfying learning achievements. Learning that takes place effectively, is a work that is complex and demands sincerity from a teacher. In connection with the implementation of the above tasks, namely developing an effective learning strategy, a teacher needs sufficient knowledge base on learning strategies that are oriented towards the development of students. In Indonesian language subjects, especially reading learning as stated in the 1994 curriculum, 2004 curriculum, and KTSP in 2006, and the 2013 curriculum has been introduced to junior high school students, basically all students have not been able to read well. This is because the learning strategies used by the teacher are poorly understood by students, so students are slow in accepting reading learning material in class. How to overcome this a teacher is required to do various ways by using various learning strategies that are appropriate to the characteristics of the child. Through the use of memidai techniques in this paper it is expected that students' ability to read texts will increase, so that children's achievement in Indonesian language subjects will increase as well.

Reading learning, Learning techniques

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