Pengembangan Akuakultur pada Lahan Suboptimal Menuju Agromaritim 4.0
Effendi I. 2019. Development of aquaculture on suboptimal land towards agromaritime 4.0. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 9-19. Palembang: Unsri Press.
Aquaculture or fish farming is a fisheries production system that has an important role in providing food now and especially in the future, together with agriculture and animal husbandry in the agrimaritime context. The system that can apply in freshwater on land, brackish water and sea waters, including suboptimal land area, is predicted will supprass the production of capture fisheries in providing fish for the community. In line with the development of industry 4.0, aquaculture began and is developing an instrumentation, integration and automation strategy that leads to smart farming, both on-farm and off-farm levels, as aquaculture 4.0. At the on-farm level, aquaculture 4.0 can apply to the entire production process since site selection, pond or cage construction and preparation, seed stocking, feeding, water quality management, biomass monitoring, harvesting and postharvest handling, and integrating them with off-farm levels such as marketing, processing, financing, develompement and so on. On a broader scope can be created integration between aquaculture with agriculture and animal husbandry as integrated agriculture. This paper discusses the concept, implementation and future development of aquaculture 4.0 in responding to the challenges of the times that is increasing productivity and production efficiency as well as market demand suitability and competitiveness, in order to improve the welfare of aquaculture actors and the community.
Keywords: aquaculture,efficiency, production, productivity
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