Perencanaan Panen Air Hujan Sebagai Sumber Air Bersih Alternatif Di Kampus STIK Bina Husada Palembang

Supli Effendi Rahim, Nurhayati Damiri, Chairil Zaman, Husin Husin, Dian Eka Anggraini, Ali Harokan, Amar Muntaha


Rainfall harvest planning is planned as an alternative clean water source on the
STIK Bina Husada Palembang campus. Planning for building rainwater
harvesting in the form of tanks and other buildings that are suitable to the needs.
Planning for rainwater harvesting on this campus will be calculated according to
the needs of clean water and the amount of rainwater that can be harvested every
rainy event every month. The calculation results of water requirements on the
Bina Husada STIK campus, especially the Grand building and Graha building in
2018 are 315 m3 / month for average needs, 8.2 m3 for daily maximum
requirements and 2.5 m3 / hour for water requirements during peak hours. Every
year PDAM water usage for the Grand building and Graha building requires 3,790
m3 of water or the equivalent of Rp 31.7 million in tariff payments. The rain
harvesting system used is an underground tank building and the rest of the rain
that is not collected is directly discharged into the sewer and then to the water
body. The use of gutters in a rain reservoir measuring 15x20 cm, on the roof side
used splash guards and metal sheets with a width of 30 cm installed every 3 m,
and used pipes with a diameter of 100 mm. For now rainwater that can be
accommodated is 6.8 m3 per rainy day, 25 percent of the total potential of
rainwater that exists.

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