Dedi Jasrial


WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging applications nowadays and it can be accessed by using smart phone, personal computer, and tablet. Most people prefer to use this application for communicating with other. This application also has invaded all aspects of life, especially in education field. However, this application has not been utilized optimally by English teachers in teaching English language, whereas WhatsApp is a potential media to help English teachers in teaching English language.  WhatsApp allows users to utilize its features to text, to call, and to send video, audio, links, location, document, pictures. In this article, the writer will explain about why WhatsApp is a potential media tool for teaching English language and how to use WhatsApp in teaching English language. In brief, the writer expects that utilizing WhatsApp can help English teachers and students in teaching and learning English language and can improve students' English ability.


Key words: WhatsApp, English language teaching, mobile phone technology

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